What is Anime?

What is Anime - Anime (Japanese: , [anime] ) is animation from Japan that is drawn by hand or using computer technology. The word anime stands for "animation" in English, which refers to all types of animation.[1] Outside of Japan, this term is used specifically to describe any animation produced in Japan. However, it is possible that anime could be produced outside of Japan. Some experts argue that anime is a new form of orientalism.
The first anime to achieve widespread popularity was Ozamu Tezuka's Astro Boy in 1963. Today, anime is much more developed than the anime of the past. With graphics that have developed to a more interesting and exciting storyline.[citation needed] Japanese people are very enthusiastic about watching anime and reading manga. From children to adults. They consider anime as a part of their life. This is what makes some cable television famous for its cartoon films, such as Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon which export their cartoons. Now anime is a lucrative business for everyone, and many people are taking advantage of this to commit crimes. Anime creators are called animators. The animators work in a studio to produce an anime. Inside the studio, there are several animators who work together to produce a quality anime. But unfortunately, the salary of the animators is small when compared to their hard work. This makes the animators reluctant to work professionally. They feel it is not worth the effort they have put in. These animators are often called "shadow artists." Because they work like an artist who tries to put forward the elements of the story and its intrinsic elements.
Piracy also makes it difficult for animators to take full advantage of their hard work, although there are also "gossips" that say that there are anime producers who distribute their work outside of official trade channels (perhaps free or pirated) in order to further popularize the results. their work.
Not a few people go to Japan to learn about making anime (and manga of course) because they are interested after seeing various anime that have spread to various corners of the world on various continents. imitate the characteristics of anime, for example Korea and several other Asian countries.
CG (Computer Graphics) technology, Computer Visual Technology, and so on have made it easier to make anime today, because of that some think that the artistic quality is lower than the anime of the past. Just to note that the quality of the picture is now more delicious and is easy to understand because pictures are more proportional and the color is nice, plus the presence of HD technology.
Anime is an art form, but it is misunderstood as a genre. In Japanese, the word anime refers to animation formats from around the world. While in English, anime (/ˈænəˌmeɪ/) means "Japanese-style animation" or "animation produced in Japan".
The word anime appears in written form in three katakana characters a, ni, me (アニメ) which is a loanword from English "Animation" and is pronounced as "Anime-shon".