10 Saddest Anime Recommendations

The saddest anime - Anime is an entertainment in the form of spectacle originating from Japan. Anime is a Japanese word to refer to an animated video story or cartoon.
The word Anime is also used throughout the world to refer to cartoons or animations originating from Japan. This anime is the same as cartoon shows as usual, which has the same themes and genres such as action, comedy, drama, romance, and many more.
In this anime, there are also many touching stories and stories that might inspire the audience.
For that, here I will give, the saddest anime recommendation which is very suitable for those of you who like anime anime that have a sad ending that might make the audience wince while watching it.
Come on, here are the 10 saddest anime according to BlogAnime Kun:
Saddest Anime Recommendations

Hotaru no haka or what is called Grave of the Fireflies is an anime movie, even though this anime is very old school, but it is still sought after by many people. This anime was produced in 1988. This anime tells the story of two brothers who lost their homes after a mass bombing. during the 2nd world war. The two brothers named Seita a young teenager and Setsuko a 5 year old child. They both have to fight and try to survive on their own because their parents are dead. This Hotaru no Haka anime will surely make everyone happy. people who watch it sad. This anime is perfect for sad anime lovers.

Even though Code Geass is an action mecha genre, there are many moments in this anime that make the audience shed tears, especially at the end of season 2. Where you will see a plot twist that is very surprising and heart-warming, this anime not only makes the audience cry but can also bring feelings of tension, angry, sad, and so on. If you are looking for an anime with a complete package, Code Geass is highly recommended to watch.

From the title alone we already know that the Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 anime is related to natural disasters. This anime tells about the sadness behind natural disasters, set in the city of Tokyo after being rocked by an earthquake measuring 8.0 on the Richter scale where many people died and destroyed some of the once beautiful city, interestingly behind the tragedy that has many stories and sadness and at the same time lessons we can take in each episode, especially at the ending of the anime which will surely make everyone's heart shudder.

This supernatural genre anime tells the story of the student organization of the Hoshinoumi Academy which aims to protect children with special powers from using their powers arbitrarily because if they are found to have dangerous powers, they will be tortured in a government study. full of action and comedy even almost no touching moments but entering the middle of the story to the end many surprising and sad moments.

Wolf Children or Ookami Kodomo No Ame To Yuki tells the story of the struggle of a mother who raised her two children who were born with a half-wolf disorder. This was because the mother had fallen in love with a half-demon human, which in the end they had two children named Yuki and Ame. After her father died the mother is forced to care for her own two children who are different from other children. This anime is so sad that it can make the audience cry, the story of mothers taking care of their children is well conveyed.

Plastic Memories or Purasutikku Memorîzu is an anime that takes place in the future where when androids are very advanced and even difficult to distinguish from humans, this android is called Giftia who live side by side with humans and even interact with them, unfortunately the giftia only have a period of 81,920 hours where after that they will die and will not remember any memories that have been passed. This anime tells of a young man Tsukasa Mizugaki who secretly has feelings for a Giftia named Isla. The two of them are so close that they sometimes forget that Isla is a Giftia. This anime is indeed very thick with comedy nuances, but the ending of this anime is guaranteed to be very touching and can make every audience shed tears.

Tells about anti-mainstream school life. Because this anime tells about life after death in the Angel Betas anime we will get to know Otonashi who is a student who is dead but does not know about his past life. Otonashi wakes up in a world after death where they can achieve things they haven't yet they got when they were still alive. With a storyline that is difficult to guess, Angel Beats is an anime that is highly recommended to watch. At first this anime is full of comedy but getting closer to the ending there are many plot twists that are very surprising and touching, anyway this anime is highly recommended to watch.

Anohana is an anime that tells about the friendship of 6 friends who began to drift apart as they grew older. This happened after one of them died tragically in an accident until the spirit of the deceased friend appeared and managed to appear to gather 6 of his friends who are now no longer close. For the sake of realizing the wishes of his dead friend, they reunite and establish friendships.
Various secrets from childhood are revealed as the episode progresses, which of course can make the audience touched and shed tears.

Your Lie in April or Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso is one of the anime that has the saddest stories and stories. This anime, which exploded in popularity in 2015, is very thick with the nuances of a musical drama that tells the story of Arima Kousei, a talented pianist who is traumatized after losing his mother, Kousei who is actually good at playing the piano suddenly can't hear the sound of the piano he is playing. To play the piano and get away from the world of music he loves so much. One day Arima Kousei meets Miazono Kaori. Knowing Kousei's talent, Kaori insists on asking Kousei to be a companion in his violin playing. Since then, Kousei has slowly returned to the world of music. whom he loved in the past. He is also noble in dealing with the trauma he has suffered, but another problem arises that makes Kausei swallow the harsh reality. If you're curious, just watch the anime which is one of the saddest anime of all time.

The saddest anime of all time according to Mimin is the Clannad anime. This anime tells the story of school life between Tomoya and Nagisa. Tomoya is a delinquent who doesn't care about himself at all, while Nagisa is a woman who has a weak physique who never went to class and the two of them meet and meet each other. To get to know each other, Tomoya decides to make Nagisa happy. The story between the two doesn't only happen at school. Because the audience will be shown their future as well, who will marry and have a daughter. Even though they got married in the end, they weren't really happy. what happened afterwards, watch the Clanned anime for yourself. This anime is very suitable to watch if you are looking for a sad and heart touching anime
Yes, these are the 10 saddest anime that must be watched for you lovers of sad anime that can make you cry. Hopefully this article can be useful. Thank you for visiting. Peace.